The FUTURE of our children depends on us parents more than ever. Let's do EVERYTHING together for their good/best future.

Eine Vision für die Zukunft unserer Kinder mit dem Werkzeug TicTacToe

mother kid playing tictactoe

Our vision as HappinessWisdom-BridgeBuilder is to create a world where children and young people can reach their full potential and have happy, successful lives. Our commitment and goals up to the year 2030 and beyond are clearly defined and ambitious. A key tool in our vision is the classic game TicTacToe, which serves as an instrument to achieve these goals.

Goal 1: Positively Impact 300,000 Children and Young People

Our first vision is that by January 1, 2030, at least 300,000 children and young people will be able to say that they have fundamentally and positively changed their lives since receiving the impulse from HappinessWisdom-BridgeBuilder. TicTacToe plays a central role in this by promoting strategic thinking, problem-solving skills, and joy in learning as an easily accessible yet profound game. Through targeted programs and workshops that integrate the game, we aim to help children develop these skills and sustainably improve their lives.

Goal 2: Establishing Full-Time HappinessWisdom-BridgeBuilder

By January 1, 2030, we want to establish full-time HappinessWisdom-BridgeBuilder in the German-speaking region who can work optimally in a quality society. These professionals will be specially trained to support children and young people through playful approaches like TicTacToe. Their task is to use the game as a didactic tool to teach children important life skills. Through their work, they should significantly contribute to making the vision of 300,000 positively influenced children a reality.

Goal 3: Scientific Optimization of Our Courses

Another central goal is to have our courses scientifically optimized and always offer the best courses. We want to ensure that our programs, in which TicTacToe is used as a learning tool, achieve the highest effectiveness. Through continuous research and collaboration with education experts and scientists, we aim to constantly improve the methodology and content of our courses. This optimization is intended to ensure that children and young people benefit maximally from the programs offered.

Goal 4: Recognition by UNICEF

We aim to receive confirmation from UNICEF by January 1, 2030, that every child in the world should go through our courses. This recognition would be a significant step in expanding the reach and impact of our programs globally. TicTacToe, as an integral part of our courses, would thus receive a worldwide platform where it can unfold its positive effects. Such recognition would also underscore the quality and usefulness of our educational offerings.

Goal 5: Mandatory Subject “Happiness and Success in Life Require a Decision” in Schools

By January 1, 2035, our goal is for the subject “Happiness and Success in Life Require a Decision, Make It as Early as Possible” to become a mandatory subject in schools in the German-speaking region. In this subject, children should learn early on how important it is to make conscious decisions for a happy and successful life. TicTacToe will be used as an educational tool to playfully teach students important life skills. By integrating this subject into the school routine, we want to ensure that all children have the opportunity to engage early with these crucial topics.

TicTacToe: More Than Just a Game

Our vision shows that TicTacToe goes far beyond a simple game. It is a powerful tool that contributes to the development of important skills in a playful way. Through our targeted measures and goals, we want to ensure that children and young people worldwide benefit from the positive effects of this game. TicTacToe helps us realize our vision of a happier and more successful future for the next generation.

With our commitment and clear focus on these goals, we are doing everything we can to make the world a better place for our children and young people. TicTacToe is a key element of this mission and will help us realize our vision. Let us work together on this future where every child has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling and successful life through the power of play.

Mehr erfahren

Das Spiel TicTacToe
TicTacToe – WIE begeistern wir unsere Kinder für dieses Spiel ?
TicTacToe – vereint alle Generationen in großer Freude
3 gewinnt – ein ideales Spiel für Großeltern mit ihren Enkelkindern 

Mit TicTacToe Kinder bestmöglich fördern
TicTacToe, DAS Kinderbuch (3 bis 7)
TicTacToe – das Buch für moderne engagierte Eltern
TicTacToe – der spielerische und magisch einfache Weg, die Welt der Zahlen von 1 bis 10 zu entdecken und WIRKLICH zu er-fassen/zu be-greifen
TicTacToe als gutes Beispiel, um die ersten beiden Generalschlüssel für eine WIRKLICH gute Erziehung zu entdecken

TicTacToe, der Einstieg in die Strategiespiele
Der häufig UNERKANNTE Wert der StrategieSpiele TicTacToe, MÜHLE und SCHACH
TicTacToe als idealer Einstieg in das wunderbare Spiel MÜHLE
Tic Tac Toe als bester Einstieg in das Spiel Schach

Die GlücksWissen-BrückenBauer
Unsere Mission
Unsere Vision

Mehr Informationen zum Mühle Spiel

Mehr Informationen zur Mühle und Schach Akademie